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Geogrid products are the best treatment materials at this stage. The manufacturers of two-way plastic geogrid explain that the materials shall be strictly inspected before construction, and the quality of geogrid shall meet the requirements of drawings or specifications. Before the formal commencement of embankment filling with geogrid, the test section shall be built in combination with the construction process to guide the construction. For example: the geogrid adopts two-way plastic geogrid, which requires the longitudinal tensile strength ≥ 80KN / M and the transverse tensile strength ≥ 60kn / m. When the geogrid is spliced, the strength of the joint in the stress direction shall not be lower than the design tensile strength of the material. In order to ensure the integrity of geosynthetics, the length of geosynthetics overlap shall be long enough. The length of transverse overlap shall be greater than 0.3m, and the length of longitudinal overlap shall be greater than 0.6m. When laying, there shall be no fold and damage.


The repair function of two-way plastic geogrid in highway. After long-term use of the road, cracks and damages often appear on the road surface. The root cause of cracks is often unstable gravel subgrade or foundation. This phenomenon is hard to prevent. The solution is to re lay the road tomb, which requires a lot of time and money, affecting the driving of vehicles. Therefore, the method of nailing on the road surface is often used to solve this problem temporarily. Compared with the traditional methods, the advantages of the two-way plastic geogrid are more prominent.


First, the two-way plastic geogrid is made of various chemical fibers, which is not perishable. It has been in use for many years, with little change in intensity. Secondly, in the construction process of the composite one-way geogrid highway, no special technology is needed, the construction progress is fast, and the vehicles can run in a short time. Third, the highway built by two-way plastic geogrid has good stability and is not easy to twist. The required gravel material of subgrade can be thinned and the compaction of subgrade can be reduced. Fourth, bi-directional plastic geogrid can be constructed in almost all forms. In addition, it can also improve the drainage effect of the road, reduce the types of gravel, reduce the frozen volume of the road tomb, and improve the bearing capacity of the road.


The bidirectional plastic geogrid has good stability effect on the road with poor foundation. In short, the use of two-way plastic geogrid can increase the stability of the road, extend its service life, save material and construction costs, as well as long-term road maintenance and repair costs, which greatly exceeds the cost of two-way plastic geogrid. It is a fast, good and economic road construction method. Therefore, in recent years, more and more expressways use two-way plastic geogrid for construction.

       双向塑料土工格栅坝体变形结果及动力塑性分析要点:大坝变形结果与对策本文论述了动力塑性对策分析的要点,并对上述双向塑料土工格栅加固高土石坝与非抗震措施(ⅰ.e.无土工格栅)在相同条件下.。有无土工格栅地震后坝顶 位移变化曲线。无论是否加土工格栅,上游坝顶1/5的 位移曲线都有随老规程沿高程变化的趋势.加土工格栅前后坝体水平位移变化规律不同.当坝体不加固时,顶部地震反应强烈,水平位移突出.土工格栅水平对称铺设后,坝坡水平位移的增长将受到限制,水平位移有凹陷的趋势.本.地.生.活.网

Deformation results and key points of dynamic plasticity analysis of two-way plastic geogrid dam body: dam deformation results and Countermeasures This paper discusses the key points of dynamic plasticity countermeasure analysis, and the above two-way plastic geogrid reinforcement of high earth rock dam and non seismic measures (i.e. no geogrid) under the same conditions. The displacement curve of dam crest after earthquake with or without geogrid. No matter whether geogrid is added or not, the displacement curve of 1 / 5 of upstream dam crest will change along the elevation according to the old regulations. The horizontal displacement of dam body before and after geogrid is added is different. When the dam body is not reinforced, the top seismic response is strong, and the horizontal displacement is prominent. After the geogrid is laid horizontally and symmetrically, the increase of horizontal displacement of dam slope will be limited, and the horizontal displacement will have the tendency of depression.

      添加双向塑料土工格栅前后坝体竖向位移变化规律一致,加固后的竖向位移明显较小,分别为0.56m和0.2500万,下降55%.3%。总之,坝体上部土工格栅加筋可有效地增强坝顶地区堆石体的稳定性,明显降低坝体的 位移.。地震后土工格栅的内力分布。可以看出,较小的内力值表明格栅没有发挥全部作用.格栅较小内力值的范围自上而下逐渐扩大,延伸至坝坡.说明只有下层土工格栅的一小部分起到加固土体的作用,可以适当缩短下层土工格栅的长度.中间网格的作用更好,内力几乎沿网格全长分布.格栅的内力分布通常从坝坡向加固端逐渐减小.大轴向力出现在中层和下层。

The vertical displacement of the dam body before and after adding the two-way plastic geogrid is the same. The vertical displacement after reinforcement is obviously smaller, which is 0.56m and 0.25m respectively, down 55% 3%. In a word, geogrid reinforcement on the upper part of the dam can effectively enhance the stability of rockfill in the dam crest area and significantly reduce the displacement of the dam. Internal force distribution of geogrid after earthquake. It can be seen that the smaller internal force value of the grid does not play a full role. The scope of the smaller internal force value of the grid gradually expands from top to bottom, extending to the dam slope. It shows that only a small part of the lower geogrid plays a role in strengthening the soil mass, which can appropriately shorten the length of the lower geogrid. The middle grid has a better role, and the internal force is almost distributed along the whole length of the grid. The internal force distribution of the grid Generally, from the dam slope to the reinforcement end, the large axial force appears in the middle and lower layers.


Large deformation analysis of geogrid dam with or without geogrid is carried out. It can be seen that, without geogrid, the shear strain of the dam crest and the upper part of the dam slope is large, and the large shear strain of the dam crest is up to 4.4%; it can be seen that when geogrid is used to reinforce the upper part of the dam body, the shear strain level of the dam body is significantly reduced, and the high plastic shear strain area can be transferred from the dam body near the dam crest to the shallow layer along the dam slope. The scope is greatly reduced, the location of the large shear strain is moved down, and the size is reduced To 1.8%. The reason why the above conclusions are tense is that without geogrid, with the shaking of soil, the dam crest will be damaged initially, and the upper part of the dam slope is prone to landslide.


I believe that after reading the above content, you should also understand that geogrid can increase the stability of bad foundation. I hope it will help you.



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