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Geosynthetics can effectively reinforce and reinforce the soil, which has been widely used in various engineering

 construction. For example, geosynthetics can effectively reduce the lateral deformation of the slope in the treatm

ent of high side slope; in the retaining wall structure, it can improve the stability of the retaining structure and re

duce its lateral deformation; in the subgrade engineering of high-speed railway and expressway, geosynthetics ca

n effectively improve the load borne by the reinforcement pile at the lower part of the subgrade, and at the same

 time, it can reduce the lateral deformation of the subgrade slope.



The reinforcement effect of geosynthetics is mainly realized by the interaction of reinforcement soil interface. The

 pull-out test can well reflect the compaction and shear state of soil, and reappear the interaction mechanism of r

einforcement and soil. Glass fiber geogrid can also improve the dynamic shear strength of reinforced soil, and the

 more layers are arranged, the greater the dynamic shear strength is.



The relationship between pull-out force and pull-out displacement under different vertical pressures can be seen

 as follows: with the increase of pull-out displacement, the pull-out force of grid increases gradually, and the larg

er the vertical pressure is, the greater the pull-out force of grid is; however, with the increase of pull-out displace

ment, no matter how much the vertical pressure of filler and upper part is, there is no peak value of pull-out forc

e of grid.




The vertical pressure refers to the vertical pressure provided by the vertical loading system before the glass fiber 

geogrid is drawn; the shear expansion force refers to the vertical stress increment of the soil produced during the

 drawing process of the glass fiber geogrid, that is, the vertical stress minus the initial vertical pressure during the

 drawing process of the glass fiber geogrid.





With the increase of the displacement of the drawing end, the drawing force increases continuously. The shear ex

pansion force is small and stable when the drawing displacement is small. As the drawing displacement continues

 to increase, the shear expansion force continues to increase, and the growth trend is consistent with that of the d

rawing force. In the process of drawing, the tendency of shear expansion is obvious, which may be the reason wh

y there is no peak value of the grid drawing force. The larger the vertical pressure is, the smaller the influence of t

he displacement on the shear expansion force is. The smaller the increment of the shear expansion force (the rati

o of the shear expansion force to the initial vertical pressure) is during the drawing process.


值,土体在玻纤土工格栅拉拔过程中,出现了明显的硬化现象;压实系数为0.91和0. 87的低密实度的情况下,土体在格栅拉拔过


The influence of soil compactness on the pulling force of grid is obvious. The greater the compactness is, the gre

ater the pulling force of grid is. When the compaction coefficient is 0.97, there is no peak value of the grid pulling

 force, and the soil has obvious hardening phenomenon in the process of glass fiber geogrid drawing; when the c

ompaction coefficient is 0.91 and 0.87, there is weak hardening phenomenon in the process of grid drawing, but i

t is not obvious.




Both the vertical pressure and the soil compactness have an effect on the dilatancy in the process of drawing, but

 whether there is a trend of dilatancy and the degree of dilatancy mainly depends on the compactness of the soil 

itself. At the same time, it also shows the reinforcement effect of glass fiber geogrid in the pile net structure subg

rade. It is not only reflected in the limitation of the horizontal displacement of the soil, but also in the reinforcem

ent effect of the glass fiber geogrid on the earth stress above the grid.




When the grids between pile caps are bent and deformed, their displacement will be transmitted to the grids abo

ve the pile top, and the grids above the pile top will be pulled out. According to the conclusion of the pull-out te

st, if the compactness of the filler in the reinforced cushion is large, the increase of the vertical stress above the g

rid will be larger. Therefore, the comprehensive analysis of the compactness of the filler in the reinforced cushion

 has obvious influence on the effect of the grid reinforcement.






The glass fiber geogrid is prone to shear expansion in the process of drawing the high density soil filler. With the

 development of the displacement of the reinforcement soil interface, the vertical stress of the fill increases, and t

he shear expansion of the soil occurs. The reinforcement effect of the geogrid is not only reflected in the horizon

tal reinforcement, but also in the vertical stress. The smaller the compactness of the filler is, the greater the verti

cal pressure is, the less obvious the shear expansion trend is; the smaller the compactness of the filler is, with the

 progress of drawing, the soil almost does not have shear expansion, and the compactness of the soil will directly

 affect the reinforcement effect of the fiberglass geogrid. In the actual project, the compactness of the filler shoul

d be strictly controlled to better reflect the reinforcement effect of the fiberglass geogrid. In the process of grid 

drawing, there is a critical displacement of the soil. When the displacement of grid drawing is larger than this cri

tical displacement, the trend of soil shear expansion will suddenly increase.


I believe that after reading the above content, you should also understand the drawing characteristics of fibergla

ss geogrid. I hope it will help you.



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