泰安 [切换城市]




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The surface of the lower bearing layer on the laying site must be compacted and flat without sharp protrusion or gravel protrusion. The surface of the filling layer shall be flat and free of hard protrusions such as broken stones. The maximum particle size of the embankment filling within 8cm from the geogrid shall not be greater than 6em.


In the process of laying, installation, connection and fixation, the longitudinal direction of the main stress on the geogrid shall be perpendicular to the axis direction of the subgrade, and the surface of the geogrid grid shall be smooth without wrinkles, and the four sides of the geogrid shall be tensioned. If necessary, measures such as inserting nails can be adopted to fix the geogrid on the surface of the fill layer.

       顶层格栅的纵向受力方向要求通长无接头,双幅搭接处可以人工绑扎搭接,搭接宽度应大于20 cm。如铺设宽幅中,设置的格栅在两层以上,层间应错缝设置本~地~生~活~网。大面积铺设后,需安排专人调整其平直度。覆盖一层砂砾未碾压前,应再次用人工或机具张紧格栅,力度要均匀,使格栅在土中始终保持为绷直受力状态。土工格栅上的第一层填土摊铺宜采用轻型推土机或前置式装载机,填料的摊铺与填筑从路基的纵向轴线位置开始,对称地向两侧填土。

The longitudinal stress direction of the top grid shall be full length without joint. The double lap joint can be manually bound and lapped, and the lap width shall be greater than 20 cm. If the grid set in the laying width is more than two layers, staggered joints shall be set between layers. After large-scale laying, special personnel shall be arranged to adjust its straightness. Before covering a layer of gravel and rolling, the grid shall be tensioned again by manpower or machines and tools with even force to keep the grid in a straight stress state in the soil. The first layer of fill on the geogrid should be paved by light bulldozer or front loader, and the filling and paving should start from the longitudinal axis of the subgrade and fill symmetrically to both sides.

       车辆、施工机械沿路堤的轴线方向行驶。土工格栅摊铺以后,应及时摊平填料,间隔时间不应超过48 h,加筋路堤‘的边坡防护应和路堤的填筑同时进行,在夏季施工如不能及时填筑,应及时对已铺筑完成顶面的土工格栅采取覆盖等临时保护措施,以避免其受到阳光、雨水的直接暴晒和侵蚀b~d~s~h~5~c~o~m。填料的选择和压实。

Vehicles and construction machinery shall travel along the axis direction of the embankment. After the geogrid is paved, the filler shall be paved in time, with an interval of no more than 48 hours. The slope protection of the reinforced embankment shall be carried out at the same time as the embankment filling. If the construction cannot be filled in time in summer, the geogrid on the paved top surface shall be covered and other temporary protection measures shall be taken in time to avoid the direct exposure and erosion of sunlight and rain. Selection and compaction of fill.

       土工格栅施工中的填料应优先选取砾类土和砂类土等力学性能稳定、受含水量影响小的土质。所选填料粒径不得大于铺筑层厚的2/3或15 cm,同时控制填料级配,以保证压实密实性。格栅铺设搭接完成后,应及时填土覆盖。为确保施工的连续性,应合理安排作业计划,采取铺设、回填的循环流水作业法本 地 生 活 网。施工中控制好最佳含水量,为提高路基整体稳定性,碾压的顺序是先两侧后中间。碾压中压轮不能直接与筋材接触,未压实的格栅不允许车辆在上面行驶,以免筋材错位。

In the construction of geogrid, gravel soil, sand soil and other soil with stable mechanical properties and little influence of water content shall be selected as the filler. The particle size of the selected filler shall not be greater than 2 / 3 or 15 cm of the thickness of the paving layer, and the grading of the filler shall be controlled to ensure the compactness. After the grid is laid and overlapped, it shall be filled and covered in time. In order to ensure the continuity of construction, the operation plan shall be reasonably arranged, and the circulating flow operation method of laying and backfilling shall be adopted. In order to improve the overall stability of subgrade, the order of rolling is from two sides to the middle. The rolling medium pressure wheel shall not be in direct contact with the reinforcement, and vehicles are not allowed to drive on the uncompacted grid to avoid the dislocation of the reinforcement.


Pay attention to the following points during the construction of geogrid:


       1. When storing and laying geogrid, avoid exposure to the sun and long time to avoid performance degradation.


       2. It shall be laid perpendicular to the direction of the line, the lap joint shall meet the requirements of the design drawing, the connection shall be firm, the strength of the joint in the direction of stress shall not be lower than the design tensile strength of the material, and the overlapping length shall not be less than 20cm.


       3. The quality of geogrid shall meet the requirements of design drawings.


       4. The construction shall be continuous without distortion, wrinkle or overlap. Pay attention to tighten the grid to make it stressed. Tighten it manually to make it even, flat and close to the lower bearing surface. Fix it with spigot and other measures.


       5. When the geogrid is laid, the direction of the long hole shall be consistent with the direction of the cross section of the line, and the geogrid shall be straightened and leveled. The grating end shall be treated according to the design.


       6. Fill the filler in time after the geogrid is paved, and the interval time shall not be more than 48h, so as to avoid direct sunlight exposure.


I believe that after reading the above content, you should have a certain understanding of the problems that need to be paid attention to when geogrid is used to fill subgrade. I hope it will help you.



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